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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  –Robert Frost

I've always loved this line in Robert Frost's poem because it reminds me of how life can change when you step outside the box. I took the road less traveled many years ago and it led to the discovery of a hidden talent.

I began painting professionally in 2005 and since then, my work has been displayed in shows from coast to coast. I've licensed several images that are now being sold internationally and have had my art published in books.

As a self-taught artist, I realize what a blessing it is to be able to do this and I don't take it for granted.  That's why I love giving back to causes near and dear to my heart and have donated several pieces of original art to The National Humane Society and the California Wildlife Center for benefit auctions. 

About the Art

My painting style has been described as romantic realism since there are elements of reality in every piece. However, there are also elements of fantasy and mystery sprinkled throughout that are not always easy to find in this hectic world.

My focus is mainly on creating landscapes and seascapes and while I work in acrylics and oils, more recently I've found a new love in digital art. This has opened an amazing avenue of creativity that allows me to merge the traditional fine art world with the cutting-edge digital one.

About the Blog

In addition to my love for art, I also have an equally intense love for writing. It’s cathartic but more than that, it allows me to share all the life lessons, funny happenings, crossroad navigations, and epiphanies I have along the way.

It brings you into my life in a way an image never could and gives you a true glimpse into who I am not only as an artist but as a person.

You could say writing inspires my art and art inspires my writing. I’m an eternal optimist and love finding the bright (and humorous) side to each lesson along my path. Inspiration is contagious and my hope is that when you read the posts and gaze at the art, you’ll catch the wave.

So as I continue blazing down the road less traveled, I'd like to invite you to join me. Look for inspiration every day and take a leap of faith once in a while. You'll be amazed at where it can lead!

My Favorites

Coastal Sunrise Blue Paradise  Cape Hatteras